Birefringent Optical Crystals PbMoO4

Birefringent Optical Crystals PbMoO4


Birefringent Optical Crystals PbMoO4

Lead molybdate (PbMoO4) is a birefringent optical crystal that exhibits strong birefringence and a high refractive index. It has a tetragonal crystal structure and is used in a variety of optical applications.

One of the main applications of PbMoO4 is as a material for the fabrication of acousto-optic devices. When a sound wave is propagated through a PbMoO4 crystal, it generates a periodic modulation of the refractive index in the crystal, which can be used to control the polarization and intensity of light passing through the crystal. Acousto-optic devices based on PbMoO4 are used in various applications, such as laser beam deflection, modulation, and switching.

PbMoO4 is also used as a birefringent material in various optical devices, such as wave plates, polarizers, and frequency doubling crystals. Its strong birefringence allows it to split light into two orthogonal polarizations, each traveling at a different speed and refracting at different angles.

In addition to its optical applications, PbMoO4 is also used in the production of scintillation detectors, due to its ability to convert high-energy radiation into visible light. It is also used as a material for high-temperature piezoelectric sensors and actuators, as it exhibits high thermal stability and piezoelectric properties at elevated temperatures.

Birefringence D=he-ho
Refractive index h at l= 0.63 µm Thermal optical Coef. dh/dT 10-6/°K Structure and lattice constant, Å Melting point °C Density g/ cm3 Hardness (Mohs) Thermal Coef. 10-6/K
- 0.124
a: 0.41
c: 0.72
Tetragonal a=5.435  c=12.11 1065 6.9 3 -

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