Mg,Cr:GSGG (Magnesium-doped, Chromium-doped Gadolinium Scandium Gallium Garnet) is a popular Q-switching crystal that is commonly used in pulsed laser applications. It has a high absorption coefficient at the lasing wavelength, and it exhibits fast and efficient absorption and release of the energy required for Q-switching.
The chromium ions in Mg,Cr:GSGG act as the saturable absorber, which allows the crystal to switch from a low-loss state to a high-loss state when the laser intensity reaches a certain threshold. The Mg dopant in the crystal helps to reduce the concentration of Cr ions, which helps to minimize optical damage and increase the overall performance of the crystal.
Mg,Cr:GSGG has a number of advantages as a Q-switching crystal. It has a broad absorption band that can be tuned to match the laser wavelength, making it versatile for use in a range of laser systems. It also has a high damage threshold, which allows it to withstand high laser intensities. In addition, it has good thermal and mechanical properties, which make it robust and reliable.
Mg,Cr:GSGG has been used in a variety of laser systems, including Nd:YAG and Nd:YLF lasers, and it has been found to be effective for Q-switching at high repetition rates. It is a popular choice for applications in the medical and industrial fields, where pulsed lasers are used for precision cutting, welding, and drilling.
Material | GSGG:Mg,Cr4+ |
Wavelength, nm | - |
Initial transmittance, % | 5 - 95 |
Initial absorption coefficient, cm-1 | 0.2-10 @1.067 |
Contrast | 6 - 7 |
Dopant level, cm-3 | - |
Relax. time of the exited state (4A2 !’ 4T1(4F) absorption), ns | 200 |
Relax. time of the exited state (3T2 !’ 3A2 absorption), ns | - |
Ground-state absorption cross-section, cm2 | - |
Excited-state absorption cross-section, cm2 | - |
Optical length, mm | 0.5 - 5 |
Diameter, mm | 6 - 9 |
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